The Performance Dashboard

The Performance Dashboard includes four cards: the “Get Started” card, your “Leads” Total graph, your Expected Monthly Margin Estimator, and your Ideal Lead Profile.

The Performance Dashboard includes four cards: the “Get Started” card, your “Leads” Total graph, your Expected Monthly Margin Estimator, and your Ideal Lead Profile. 


Get Started:

The “Get Started!” card gives you visibility to make sure you're meeting all the criteria to receive leads.  

Not receiving matches? Refer to this document for a detailed breakdown on the criteria.

Here’s the list of these qualifications:

  • Network Subscription
  • Calendly URL
  • Fulfillment Address
  • Ideal Lead Profile Information
  • Upload Company Logo
  • Purchase above 500 minimum shipments (Last 30 Days)
    • You must ship at least 500 packages per 30 days through eHub to qualify to receive leads.


  • These leads can be found sorted into the “Matched”, “Shipping”, and “All” Lists. For more information on these lists and visibility into lead profiles click here:
  • The Leads Card shows your total leads, indicated by a number in blue showing how many matches you've received and a number in green indicating how many of those matches have converted and are actively shipping. 

Expected Monthly Margin

  • The Expected Monthly Margin is based on the monthly volume provided by leads and an average margin amount of $6.74 per shipment gathered from other 3PLs. The number in green indicates the margin of  money your 3PL is expected to earn through leads passed from the Network.

Ideal Lead Profile

  • The Ideal Lead Profile is created through Matching Data, which helps in accurately aligning 3PLs with suitable merchants. This ensures optimal partnerships, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction for both parties.

For more information of setting up or editing your ideal lead profile click here

Participation Score

To learn more about your participation score contact the Network team at