Get Started Getting Leads

The "Get Started!" card on the top of the Performance Dashboard lists the qualifications you must meet to receive lead matches. This article will walk you through what each of the qualifications mean.

Lead Match Criteria

In order to receive leads, you must meet the qualifications listed on the “Get Started!” card on your Performance Dashboard. If there’s a qualification you’re not meeting it will be visible on the “Get Started” card. Criteria you meet will have a strike through it, while unmet criteria will not.  If all of the listed criteria are met, the card will disappear, and you will start receiving matches.

The “Get Started!” Card is present on this “Performance Dashboard” 

Leads are matched with 3PLs based on the 3PL hitting all criteria. These qualifications are as follows:

  • Network Subscription
  • Calendly URL
  • Fulfillment Address
  • Ideal Lead Profile Information
  • Upload Company Logo
  • Purchase above 500 minimum shipments (Last 30 Days)

Here’s a breakdown of these qualifications:

  1. Network Subscription

  • To check subscription status:
    • Go to Settings > Subscriptions. 

Here’s an example of a paid subscription: 

Here’s an example of a customer without a subscription:

Additionally, you can see on your Performance Dashboard if you do not have a Network Subscription. If the “Get Started” section is not appearing then you have met the subscription requirement.

  1. Calendly URL

In this field, type your Calendly link to automate meetings. This will streamline scheduling and make it easier for merchants to book time with you.

Here’s a brief overview of the setup process:

  1. Sign Up or Log In: Create an account on Calendly or log in if you already have one.
  2. Create an Event Type: Set up different types of meetings (e.g., 15-minute check-ins, 30-minute consultations) based on your needs.
  3. Set Availability: Specify your available times and dates so that others can see when you are free.
  4. Customize Your Link: Personalize your Calendly link to make it easy to share.
  5. Integrate with Calendar: Connect Calendly with your calendar (Google, Outlook, etc.) to avoid double-booking and to keep your schedule up-to-date.

Need help? If you need assistance setting up your Calendly link, reach out to the Network team by emailing, or check out

  1. Fulfillment Address

  • Your fulfillment address(es)  is the location of your 3PL. During your set-up enter your address(es) in Settings, or during consultation, you can provide us with the address(es), which we input into your profile. You can edit it later in settings, as shown below.

  • How to edit Fulfillment Locations
    Settings > Fulfillment Locations.

  • If your address isn’t in your profile, you don’t have to navigate outside of “Network” to do this. You can click the link in the “Get Started!” section to add a Fulfillment Location.

  1. Ideal Lead Profile Information

  • The Ideal Lead Profile is created through Matching Data, which helps in accurately aligning 3PLs with suitable merchants. This ensures optimal partnerships, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction for both parties.
  • For more information check the “Creating Your Ideal Lead Profile” Page linked here.

  1. Upload Company Logo

  • Your company logo helps merchants distinguish your 3PL when they receive the match. This legitimizes you from other 3PLs, or companies with similar names.
  • How to add Company Logo?
    Answer: Settings > Sub-Accounts > Upload Logo

    Additionally, we made it easy to navigate to this from the Performance Dashboard page.

    There’s a link for “Upload Company Logo” in the Getting Started section.

  1. Meet minimum shipment criteria 

  • By default, we require a minimum of 500 shipments through eHub to qualify for lead matching. However, this is not a hard and fast rule and depends on your agreement with eHub’s team. 
  • Please contact the Network team at for more information.