Creating Your Ideal Lead Profile

The Ideal Lead Profile is created through Matching Data, which helps in accurately aligning 3PLs with suitable merchants. This ensures optimal partnerships, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction for both parties.

Ideal Lead Profile

The Ideal Lead Profile is created through Matching Data, which helps in accurately aligning 3PLs with suitable merchants. This ensures optimal partnerships, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction for both parties.

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Accessing the “Matching Data” Screen: There are two ways to access and edit your “Ideal Lead Profile”:

  1. Via the Network Tab:
    • Step 1: On the side-bar menu on the left of the screen, click the “Network” tab.
    • Step 2: From the “Network” menu, click the “Performance” details.
    • Step 3: On the “Ideal Lead Profile” card, click on the pen button to open and edit your “Ideal Lead Profile.”
  2. Via Settings:
    • Step 1: Look for the Settings cog tab located at the bottom left of the screen on the side-bar menu.
    • Step 2: In the menu, click on “Lead Profile” located under the “Network” heading.
    • Step 3: Edit your matching data from there.

The Data We Use to Make Matches:

  1. Preferred Product Types: Selection of product types your 3PL is best equipped to handle (e.g., Apparel, Auto, Beauty/Cosmetics).
  2. Specialties: If you specialize in areas like HAZMAT, B2B, kitting, or other niche services, you can select these options here to connect with merchants who require those specific skills. 
  3. Max SKU Count: The largest amount of SKUs from one merchant your 3PL is willing to take on.
  4. Monthly Volume Minimum: The smallest amount of monthly shipments per merchant that makes sense for the scale of your 3PL.

Keep in mind that the Maximum SKU count and the Monthly Volume Minimum are ideal criteria. If you choose more restrictive quantities, the fewer leads will match that data, resulting in less leads.

Preferred Product Type:

We ask for your preferred product types to match your 3PL with merchants and shipping products that you are best equipped to handle. This helps ensure that the partnerships formed are the best fit for both parties.


  1. Select from the Preferred Product Types Drop-Down Menu: Use the drop-down menu provided to select the product types your 3PL is most tailored for or prefers. The product types are listed in alphabetical order for easy navigation.
  2. Select All Option: If your 3PL can handle a wide variety of products, you can quickly choose all available product types by clicking the “Select All” option at the top of the menu.

Minimum Selection Requirement: Ensure you select at least 1 product type to proceed. This helps us make precise matches with merchants. You may select 1 to All. The more that you select the broader your range of matchability is. 

Product Types:

  • Apparel: Clothing and fashion accessories.
  • Auto: Automotive parts and accessories.
  • Beauty/Cosmetics: Skincare, makeup, and other beauty products.
  • CBD: Products containing cannabidiol.
  • Electronics: Gadgets, appliances, and electronic devices.
  • FDA Registered: Products that are registered on the FDA's listing database.
  • Food & Beverage: Perishable and non-perishable food items and drinks.
  • Furniture/Decor: Home furnishings and decorative items.
  • Home Accessories: Items used to accessorize in the home.
  • Hunting: Hunting gear and accessories.
  • Nutraceuticals: Health supplements and wellness products.
  • Outdoor Accessories: Gear and accessories for outdoor activities.
  • Pet Products: Items for pets, including food, toys, and care products.
  • Printing/Embroidery: Handles printing and/or embroidery on fabric. 
  • Returns: Products sent back to the 3PL from the customer.


This drop-down menu allows you to choose the fulfillment specialties your 3PL provides. By selecting your specialties, you ensure that the leads matched with you are the best possible fit, tailored to your Ideal Lead Profile. You do not have to choose any specialties if they do not apply. 


  1. Open the Drop-Down Menu: Navigate to the drop-down menu provided in your profile settings. 
  2. Select Specialties: Choose the categories your 3PL is equipped to fulfill from the list provided. 
  3. Improve Lead Quality: By picking your specialties, you will receive better-qualified leads that match your capabilities.

Available Specialties:

  • HAZMAT: Handling and shipping hazardous materials.
  • Alcohol: Storage and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
  • Frozen: Managing and shipping frozen products.
  • Ammo: Handling and fulfillment of ammunition products.
  • Fulfilled By Amazon: Services for products fulfilled by Amazon.
  • Fulfilled By Merchant (for Amazon): Services for products fulfilled directly by the merchant on Amazon.
  • B2B: Business-to-business fulfillment services.
  • Temperature Controlled: Storage and shipping of temperature-sensitive products. 
  • Refrigerated: Handling and fulfillment of refrigerated products.
  • Kitting: Assembly and packaging of kits from multiple items.

Maximum SKU Amount:

The Max SKU Amount is the highest number of different products your 3PL wants to handle from one merchant.

Setting this number ensures you match with merchants whose inventory fits your capacity, helping you manage your resources well.


  • Type it in: Enter this number into your Lead Profile during setup, client consultations, or whenever you update your inventory details.

Regularly review and adjust the Max SKU Amount based on changes in your capacity, new technology, and market trends.

Monthly Volume Minimum: 

The Monthly Volume Minimum is the least number of shipments your 3PL requires to fulfill for a merchant each month.

Setting this minimum helps you match with merchants who can meet your shipping volume requirements, ensuring efficient use of your resources. 


  • Type it in: Enter this number into your Lead Profile during setup, client consultations, or whenever you update your shipping details.


Network Notification Email

In this field, write the email you'd like to be notified through when you've been matched with a new Lead. 

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This is an example Notification Email.

Calendly Page URL:

In this field, type your Calendly link to automate meetings. This will streamline scheduling and make it easier for merchants to book time with you.

Here’s a brief overview of the setup process:

  1. Sign Up or Log In: Create an account on Calendly or log in if you already have one.
  2. Create an Event Type: Set up different types of meetings (e.g., 15-minute check-ins, 30-minute consultations) based on your needs.
  3. Set Availability: Specify your available times and dates so that others can see when you are free.
  4. Customize Your Link: Personalize your Calendly link to make it easy to share.
  5. Integrate with Calendar: Connect Calendly with your calendar (Google, Outlook, etc.) to avoid double-booking and to keep your schedule up-to-date.

Need help? If you need assistance setting up your Calendly link, reach out to the Network team by emailing, or check out: