Order Search and Status Changes

This article covers how to search for orders and manage order status manually in eHub Ship. For more detailed information on the meaning of order statuses and default automations related to them, please refer to our order status guide.

Searching and Filtering

The order page features a search bar at the top of the page which is the primary way to filter and search orders in eHub Ship. There are three ways to filter orders:

  1. 1. Use the sidebar menu on the left to add filters to the search bar with a click of a button. You can add the following statuses: Unfulfilled, Needs Review, Ready, On Hold, Fulfilled, Canceled, and All.
  2. 2. Click into the search bar and type queries such as order number, recipient name, state code, street name, or SKU. Then, select a field from the dropdown menu to apply the search to.
  3. 3. Click the advanced search option in the search bar to access more filters. You can also access the advanced search options by clicking the “Filter” text in the search bar, or by clicking the dropdown button. Here, you can add any number of filters and choose to search for orders where any or all filters are true.

You can save the search or create an automation directly from the search menu by clicking the buttons on the bottom left. Saved searches will appear under the search bar when it is selected and on the left hand side under “Saved”. Refer to our automation guide for more information on automations.

Status Changes

To change an order status, select the order from the list view by checking the box(es) on the left-hand side. Then, click the moving truck icon and select the new status. Alternatively, you can open the order and change the status in the top left corner using the same button. As soon as the new status is selected, the order status is updated.