Leads Lists and Lead Profiles

Leads are categorized under Matched, Shipping, and All. From these lists you are able to view the Lead Profiles. This article will walk you through what these pages are and how to access them.

The Lead Profile

Leads are categorized in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Under the Leads header, there are three categories: Matched, Shipping, and All. This allows you visibility into the overall status of leads. 


When you receive a lead, it can be found in the “matched” list. From here you are able to see Leads that have not yet begun shipping. This status is step one.

These leads have received an email letting them know they have matched with you. From that email, they will be able to set up a meeting through your Calendly link. To make sure your Calendly Link is up to date or to edit it refer to this page.


This list shows the leads using your 3PL services. Essentially, it shows when a lead has converted to a customer.


The “All” list shows leads that are in both the “Shipping” and “Matched” lists. 

How leads get organized into each list

Leads move from Matched to Shipping once a lead has become your customer.

Please email network@ehub.com to let us know we will help onboard the merchant with the appropriate meter and shipping services.


Navigating the Leads List

How to access a Lead Profile

To access the Lead Profile, click on the Merchant’s name in the list.

The Information Panel helps 3PLs (Third-Party Logistics providers) assess potential Leads by providing key details that match their criteria. Here's a breakdown of the information included:

Product Type

  • Categorizes the Lead’s products (e.g., electronics, apparel, perishables).
  • Helps 3PLs determine if they have the necessary resources and expertise to handle these products.


  • Identifies any special fulfillment requirements (e.g., refrigeration for perishables, hazardous material handling).
  • Ensures the 3PL can meet the unique needs of the Lead’s products.

SKU Amount

  •  Details the number of different products (SKUs) the Lead manages.
  •  Indicates the complexity of inventory management required.

Current Monthly Volume

  • Provides the average number of shipments per month.
  • Helps the 3PL assess if they can handle the Lead’s shipping needs.

Contact Information

The Information Panel displays the Merchant's email and phone number in the upper right corner, enabling direct and efficient communication between the Merchant and the 3PL. This feature streamlines lead conversion and enhances collaboration 

Details Pane

To change the way you view the Lead Profile, you can toggle the “Details Pane”

Toggling this on opens the Lead Profile in a quick view pane rather than opening the profile to full-screen.

Page Arrows

The arrows assist in navigating through a lengthy list of leads, making it easier to manage without having to scroll through a single long list.