Packing Slip Settings

eHub Ship lets you access & customize packing slips: print options, logo, order items, content & message

Packing Slip Options in eHub Ship

Access and Customization

In eHub Ship, you have control over how you access and customize your packing slips. Here’s a breakdown of the options:

Accessing Packing Slips

  • Browser: This opens a print window where you can choose a printer and other options. Specify the paper size if using this method.
  • Download: This downloads a PDF version of the packing slip. Choose your preferred paper size here as well.
  • QZ Tray: This enables direct printing, reducing clicks. Download the QZ Tray software first (available from the QZ Tray tab). Configure printer options within QZ Tray or the documents tab. If using QZ Tray, select the label format type (ZPL for Zebra printers, PDF for others or letter-sized paper).
  • Ask: This prompts you to choose from the above options every time you print a packing slip.

Logo Inclusion

You can optionally include a logo on your packing slips. Add a logo from the stores or accounts page.

Specifying Order Items

Define which order items appear on both packing slips and picklists.

Packing Slip Content Selection

Choose which information to include on your packing slips:

  • Item Pricing
  • Item SKUs
  • Product Images
  • Inventory Location

If any chosen information is unavailable, it will be left blank on the packing slip.

Custom Message

You can add a custom message to the bottom of your packing slip, with a 60-character limit.