Importing Products in eHub Ship

This article guides you through the process of importing products into your inventory within eHub Ship.

Steps to Import Products

  1. 1. Navigate to Inventory: In the eHub Ship interface, locate and click on the Inventory section.
  2. 2. Access Products: Within the Inventory section, find and click on Products.
  3. 3. Initiate Import: Click on the button designated for product import (visual reference might be helpful, but omitted for accessibility).
  4. 4. Select Import Method: From the dropdown menu, choose “Import Products”.
  5. 5. Upload CSV File: Select the CSV file containing your product data. You can either browse and choose the file or drag and drop it onto the designated area.
  6. 6. Specify Delimiter: Choose the type of delimiter used in your CSV file (typically a comma).
  7. 7. Identify Headers (Optional): Indicate whether the first row of your CSV file contains column names (headers) for the product data.
  8. 8. Map Data to Columns: For each column in your CSV file, use the dropdown menu to assign the corresponding product data category (e.g., SKU, Name, Description, etc.).
  9. 9. Handle Duplicate SKUs: Decide how to handle any SKUs that already exist in your inventory during the import process (e.g., skip, overwrite, etc.).
  10. 10. Archive Unused SKUs (Optional): If desired, select the option to archive any SKUs present in your inventory that are not included in the import file.
  11. 11. Initiate Import: Once you’ve configured the import settings, click the **Import** button to begin the process.
  12. 12. Confirmation: Upon successful import, you’ll receive a confirmation message.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully imported your products into eHub Ship.