How to Set Fees

Effortlessly configure fees for all or select clients, either in bulk or individually, with these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

Access Fee Settings:

  1. Go to the "Billing" section and select "Fees."

Step 2: Create a New Fee:

  1. Click on "New Fee."
  2. Choose the Type of Fee:
  1. Select the type of fee you want to set up:
    • Packaging Materials: A flat fee per package used.
    • Label Fee: Covers your label costs.
    • Package Type Fee: Additional fee added to your client's invoice whenever a specific package type is used. This is in addition to any packaging materials fees.
    • Pick & Pack (First Item): Fee for the first item in each order fulfilled.
    • Pick & Pack (Additional Items): Fee for every additional item fulfilled per order after the first. For example, an order with three items would include the Pick & Pack (First Item) fee once and the Pick & Pack (Additional Items) fee twice.
    • Custom Fee: Configurable fee that can be applied once per billing period, once per day, once per fulfillment, or once per package.

Step 3: Customize Fee Description:

  1. Edit the "Description" field to customize how the fee appears on your clients' invoices.

Step 4: Assign Fees to Accounts:

  1. Choose the account(s) to which the fee will apply.

Step 5: Apply to New Accounts (Optional):

  1. To automatically apply the fee to any future accounts, check the "Apply to all new accounts" box.

Save and Repeat:

  1. Save your settings and repeat these steps for any additional fees you wish to create.


SKU Fee Configuration

The SKU Fee, found under Ship > Inventory > Products, is an optional charge applied to each SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) per fulfillment. This feature allows you to specify an additional fee associated with handling or specific services related to the SKU. 

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Here's how to configure it:


  1. SKU Fee (Optional):
    • Amount: Enter the amount you wish to charge for each fulfillment of this SKU. This fee is added to the total cost for each order that includes this SKU.
    • Frequency: The default setting is "Per Fulfillment," meaning the fee is charged each time the SKU is fulfilled. Ensure this reflects your intended billing strategy.
  2. Fee Description (Optional):
    • Description: Provide a descriptive label for the SKU Fee. This description will appear on invoices, helping clients understand the nature of the charge. For example, you might label it "Special Handling Fee" or "Custom Packaging Charge."

How to Set Up:

  1. Enter the Fee Amount: Specify the fee amount in the provided field.
  2. Describe the Fee: Add a clear description in the "Fee Description" field to clarify the reason for the fee.
  3. Save Changes: Click the "Save" button to apply the SKU Fee configuration.