How to Import Orders from a CSV file

Follow the steps below to create orders from a CSV file.

1. From any of the orders tabs click the button and select “import CSV orders”.
2. Choose the store to associate the upload with, if no stores should be associated choose “Manual Entry.”
3. Choose your file to upload.
4. After the file is selected you will be brought to a screen to configure the upload.
5. For a typical CSV file you will want “Comma” selected for the delimiter. Otherwise choose or enter the correct delimiter. If your file does not have headers uncheck the box for “First Row Has Column names” and click “Next”.
6. For each column choose the corresponding data type from the dropdown below, if there is no matching data type in the drop down choose “Not Selected”. After each column has been labeled click “Import”. You have now imported the file into eHub Ship.

*Please note, Minimum required information includes: order #, Shipping Name, Shipping Address 1, Shipping City, Shipping Postal Code and Shipping Country. The next time a CSV file is uploaded with the same headers, the mapping will be remembered for you!

CSV Example