Creating Multi-Parcel Shipments in eHub Ship

Is the order too large to be shipped in a single package? eHub Ship offers Multi-Parcel Shipments. Follow the steps below to take advantage of our multi-parcel functionality:

  1. 1. Click on the order to open the detail view.
  2. 2. Click “New Package” to add a new package.
  3. 3. You will now have two packages. Adjust the quantity of products in each package by expanding the dropdown and editing the quantity (QTY) in each package. eHub Ship will not allow you to add more total items than there are in the order. Decimals are supported to split one SKU between two packages.
  4. 4. Ensure that both packages have the correct weight and dimensions.
  5. 5. Click “Calculate Shipping Rates” and choose the appropriate carrier and service.
  6. 6. Print your labels!